Top 25 Ultimate Internet Tricks In 2020 | [Must know]
Globally the number of internet users are more than 4.5 billion currently. The internet is being widely used in many fields, whether it is for some work purposes or for fun.
There are tons of useful internet tricks are there that some people don’t know about it, in this post I’ve collected 25 best internet tricks that will definitely blow your mind away as well as make your online experience much better.
I have written some of the cool internet tips and tricks which may help you:
1. Find any word or phrase in a webpage
Cannot search for any particular word/sentence in an overfilled place? Nothing is easier than ctrl+f to find it.
Just press ctrl+f on the webpage and a search display will popup just type that phrase or word and hit enter.
2. Google in 1998
Want to know-how was the google in 19's? just type “google in 1998” and you will be taken 1998 google’s homepage.
3. Type Animal Sound
This one is very cool for kids even for everyone, search the above phrase in google and you can hear the real sound of animals or birds.
4. ctrl+d
liked any webpage? just press the given shortcut key and your favorite webpage will be bookmarked into your browser, Now you can access it anytime in just a single click.
5. Search the exact phrase
sometimes we want to search a website or webpage that maintains the specific phrase so in that case, you can use the double quote(“”).
Just type anything in the quote and search google will show you the result that contains the exact phrase.
6. Download anything using indexing method
Want to download any movies, software or any song? then you dont have to go through malicious websites.
Just type index of “name of the movie name or software” and hit enter now click any of the links, you will see direct download link simply click and enjoy.
7. Access Whatsapp in Web Browser
Just follow these simple steps:
- Open whatsapp on your phone
- Look at the top right corner
- click on three dotted bar
- the open web browser in you pc
- Scan the code
- Boom! Now you can send messages, receive, etc. just like regular your android whatsapp.
8. Download any YouTube video
You can download any kind of youtube videos in just two-step:
- Head over to the URL and replace www. to “ss” and hit enter eg: ( to
- you will be redirected to a website.
- Now choose the quality of the video and click download.
9. Go to Address Bar Without Using Mouse
For that press ctrl+l and, it will help you to move your cursor to the address bar without using your mouse.
10. Accees search engine in the address bar
You can directly have a search engine on the address bar just by pressing ctrl+k/ctrl+E the advantage using this shortcut is that you won’t need to go back on the search engine.
11. Want to know whether a profile picture is original? (for phone/pc)
Using this trick you can search using an image google will you the related images like that so you can easily know whether the picture is fake or real and also you use this for other purposes as well.
- Screenshot that picture
- Go to the googles image section
- you will see a small camera icon
- just tap on it and upload the that you want to check
- Google will show you the related result if you find similar images or the same then its fake else the pic is real.
- for the android phone open google in desktop mode and follow the same steps
12. CTRL + SHIFT + N
You can directly go incognito mode by pressing ctrl+shift+N where your browsing data will not be stored and you can visit any site without storing your data in history
13. Download any high-end game for free
14. Check Your Internet Speed
15. Offline Webpages
16. Watch Age-restricted Youtube Videos Without Sign in
after this trick now you dont have a sign in to watch age-restricted videos on youtube just follow given steps:
- Click on the video URL and add “nsfw” before www. and hit enter
- now you will be redirected to a different website where you can watch your desired video.
17. See Saved Password in Browser
Sometimes we want to know the passwords that we save in our browser in that you can easily view saved passwords in just a few steps.
open the login section of the website which you want you to know and right click>>inpect
Now change the password into “text” and hit enter, you will that stared will be visible
18. Check Wheater Website is Safe or Not
If you have any doubt that the website you are surfing is safe or not then you can use this trick to find the website is legitimate or not
Just copy the given URL and change to your website name
Eg: (“")
19. Find The Missing Phrase Using Google
It often happens when we forget any specific phrase it could be anything whether it is song or quote, so it is very hard to remember.
To find the missing word in the phrase you can use google, type the phrase in the double quote and fill the missing word with an asterisk (“*”) and hit enter.
20. Get Direct Download Link Of Any Song
Code: intitle:index.of?song name
Eg:(intitle:index.of?radiohead creep)
21. ctrl+Enter
22. Directly Get The pdf File
23. Find Out The Font Of Any Image
24. Use the Browser as a NotePad
Just copy and paste the given code into your browser and you can easily use chrome or firefox browser as a Real Notepad
25. Play videos or MP3 In Chrome
Yes! you can play any kind of video or song in google chrome just drag the video into the chrome and boom! chrome will play that video for you like any media player.
Originally published at on April 17, 2020.